Organisation Compliance
The topic of Compliance has considerably gained in importance as a result of the steady international growth our company and the increasing legal requirements. Consequently, we developed a Compliance Management System. Within the framework of this system, a Compliance organization was established whose Compliance representatives are available as neutral and independent contact persons for any questions in relation to the topic of Compliance.
If there is any indication of a (potential) violation of the law in relation to Henkell Freixenet, you have the possibility to send us - completely confidential - a message via our Compliance contact.
Compliance contact
Anonymous message submission:
As an alternativ, you have the possibility to send an e-mail to the Compliance organization of our company: We will carefully investigate the reported matter and, if necessary, take appropriate action.
We will carefully investigate the reported matter and, if necessary, take appropriate action.
Freixenet Copestick Limited Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Act 2015 Statement. Can be found here.
Recruiter Compliance
Freixenet Copestick Ltd employs an HR consultant to ensure all employees of the company are employed under fair terms and conditions, and that all statutory requirements and company policies are adhered too.
All recruitment to the company is overseen by a professional HR officer to ensure all recruitment is carried out with integrity.
The company recognises that raising awareness and the issues around Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking is required to ensure staff and suppliers are aware of their responsibilities. The subject of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking will be added to the company induction for new starters from 2019.
The Company recognises that exposure to the risk of Modern Slavery could be present within its 3rd party supply chain, primarily around the use of temporary labour. As part of our supplier approval process, suppliers are risk assessed to determine the appropriate depth and frequency of audit required. From 2019 these audits include an assessment of the use of temporary labour, compliance with relevant employment legislation and the observance of appropriate company policies”.
This statement covers the financial year 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023.
Damian Clarke Managing Director. |
21st November 2023 |